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🔧 Settings

This page describes the settings that can be configured for AnkiBridge in Obsidian.

🙃 Meta Settings

AnkiBridge VersionThis shows the version of your AnkiBridge installation
Open DocumentationThis takes you here!
Perform Initial Anki SetupSets up Anki for use with AnkiBridge. This only needs to be done once.
Test ConnectionThis will try to connect to Anki and let you know whether you have a working connection.

⚙ General Settings

Global TagThis tag is applied to every note in Anki that originates from Obsidian
Folders To IgnoreAny files in these folders will be ignored by AnkiBridge and their content will not be synced

🃏 Default Deck Mapping

Fallback DeckThe default deck to put notes into
Deck MapFiles in the given folder will be put into the specified deck unless overridden in the note configuration

🕸 Networking Settings

AnkiConnect AddressThe address where AnkiConnect exposes its API
AnkiConnect PortThe port where AnkiConnect exposes its API
Periodic PingHow often to ping Anki to check if the connection is still alive

📘 Blueprint Settings

Each blueprint can be disabled or enabled here

⚙ Processor Settings

Each processor can be disabled or enabled here

⚙ Processor Configuration

Configuration options for processors. These are explained on the settings page.

🐛 Debugging Settings

Additional logging can be enabled here for debugging purposes.

It may be helpful to enable these when reporting an issue.