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🚦 Migrations

Since AnkiBridge is still in its relative infancy, breaking changes may be introduced (though always compliant with SemVer 2.0).

This document will guide you through the changes you need to make to migrate past a breaking change.

Please follow the instructions for each migration carefully to ensure you end up with a working setup.

Future migrations

In version 0.4.1 a migration tracker was introduced, which will allow AnkiBridge to perform some migrations automatically in the future.

Whether a migration is automatic or manual is clearly sign-posted.

Updating from 0.4.0 and before

If you are upgrading from 0.4.0 or a version prior to that the automatic migration system will not work.

As soon as you update to version 0.4.1 or above, future automatic migrations will work.


0.4.x ⟶ 0.5.x

MANUAL: Change of configuration codeblock for Sandwich Blueprint

The configuration codeblock format was changed from:

deck: …



deck: …

You must do the following

You will need to manually update all the codeblocks to the new format.

This was done to accommodate the new BasicCodeBlock Blueprint.

Changing all of the code-blocks is easily done manually at the time of migration by using a simple search-and-replace.


You might prefer to update your notes to the new BasicCodeBlock-format.

VSCode may be preferable to using Obsidian to do this.