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✨ Features

🖼 Rendering

🦋 Live Preview Rendering

The BasicCodeBlock Blueprint offers excellent rendering in Live Preview, making your notes seamlessly integrate into the rest of your beautiful Obsidian notes.

For an example, have a look at the 💃 Demonstration page.

🧮 Math Rendering

Using the Math postprocessor your LaTeX in Obsidian will correctly be rendered in Anki.

🃏 Deck Support

AnkiBridge intelligently finds the right deck for your note.

The deck to upload to is resolved in the following order:

  1. The value specified by the deck key of your note configuration
  2. The deepest match of your default deck mapping
  3. The default value specified in settings

🏷 Tag Support

You can specify Anki tags for your notes using the note configuration

Optionally a global tag for all your notes can be set using the settings

📘 Blueprints

Your notes are found using Blueprints using a PEG parser.

This has several advantages:

  1. Easily extensible
  2. Performant (as opposed to regex-based solutions)
  3. Avoids collisions – a block of text in your Obsidian documents can only be used by a single blueprint.
  4. Easier to debug

📺 Media Rendering

Using the Media postprocessor any embedded images, videos, and audios from your Obsidian vault will be synchronised to Anki seamlessly!

❔ Cloze Deletion

Cloze deletion is a breeze when using the Cloze postprocessor.

It supports turning both deletion and marks into clozes:

~~Paris~~ is the capitol of ~~France~~


==London== is the capitol of ==England==

Links to other files in your Obsidian vault are automatically turned into URI links using the Links postprocessor that will take you straight to the right place in your vault from within Anki.

When using the LinkToSource postprocessor AnkiBridge will add a link to the front of your cards taking you back to the note in Obsidian.

♻ Safe sync

AnkiBridge will always use the Obsidian note as a ground-truth, so you can be sure that the Anki notes reflect what is in your vault.

Always update AnkiBridge cards in Obsidian

Since AnkiBridge uses Obsidian as ground-truth, it will overwrite any changes made to Obsidian-controlled notes in Anki.

🚮 Delete from Obsidian

You can delete a note from Anki using AnkiBridge by setting the delete key of the note configuration to true and performing a sync.

🤖 Automagic

AnkiBridge automatically moves your notes to the appropriate deck in Anki when updating the Obsidian note.

Similarly it will update your Anki note tags and field content whenever you sync!