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The protocol used for serial communication is implemented using POD's (Plain Old Datatypes) and serialised to little-endian binary before being sent back and forth over a serial interface.

Using a proper serial-connection rather than rely on the Serial-over-USB that comes standard with the Arduino Due is recommended to avoid the ≈ 4ms round-trip time in USB packet delivery.

Implementation - Commander

The protocol is best understood by reading through the file on the commander. It should be fairly easily understood by those familiar with Python.

It uses the standard library struct to pack and unpack data.

Implementation - Controller

The protocol must match the one implemented on the commander exactly, as any difference in packet lengths will lead to future misalignment that cannot easily be corrected for.

A struct-like library is also used on the controller to allow for easy matching between the controller and commander protocol implementations.

Packet overview

ID (byte) ID (ASCII) Packet Direction (Controller ↔ Commander) Fields Comment
0x00 NUL NullPacket N/A id Does nothing
0x3F ? UnknownPacket N/A id An unknown packet was found
0x23 # DebugPacket id, msg Debug messages
0x7E ~ InfoPacket id, msg Info messages
0x21 ! ErrorPacket id, msg Error messages
0x70 p PingPacket id, timestamp Other end should respond with a pong
0x50 P PongPacket id, timestamp Response to ping
0x24 $ RequestDebugInfoPacket id Requests debug information from controller
0x78 x SetPositionPacket id, operation, cart_id, value Sets relative or absolute position
0x58 X GetPositionPacket id UNUSED. Gets position
0x76 v SetVelocityPacket id, operation, cart_id, value Sets relative or absolute maximum velocity
0x56 V GetVelocityPacket id UNUSED. Gets maximum velocity
0x7C | FindLimitsPacket id Instructs controller to perform limit finding routine
0x2F / CheckLimitPacket id Instructs controller to perform limit checking routine
0xA7 § DoJigglePacket id Instructs controller to perform a jiggle routine
0x40 @ ObservationPacket id, timestamp_micros, cart_id, position_steps, angle Observed state
0x02 STX ExperimentStartPacket id, timestamp_micros Observed state
0x03 ETX ExperimentEndPacket id Observed state
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