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CartER [Cartpole Environment for Reinforcement learning] is an open-source learning platform that enables the user to quickly start experimenting with simulated and physical multi-agent reinforcement learning projects quickly.

CartER is still being actively developed and uses state-of-the-art reinforcement-learning libraries for greater reproducibility.


The CartER project is an undergraduate research project undertaken by Jeppe Klitgaard at the Biological and Soft Systems group at Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge under supervision of Professor Pietro Cicuta and Professor Pietro Lio.

Queries can be made to or through the GitHub repository located at JeppeKlitgaard/CartER


CartER can be cited in publications using:

author = {Jeppe Klitgaard, Pietro Cicuta, Pietro Lio},
title = {CartER},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},

Documentation overview

The documentation is incomplete and should not be taken as gospel.

It is divided into a number of categories:

  • Development: Documentation surrounding the development of the project.
    Useful for advanced use or further development of the platform.
  • Building: Documentation on acquiring hardware, 3D-printing parts, and assemblying the project.
  • Usage: Guides on how to use the platform for machine learning.
  • Articles: A collection of articles related to the project.
  • Videos: A collection of videos of the project in action.

Project overview

The project consists of two main components:

  • Commander: The Python-based codebase that runs simulations, does both learning and inference, and communicates with the Controller using a low-level networking protocol
  • Controller: The C/C++ based codebase that runs on Arduino SAM-based (32-bit ARM) microprocessors (namely the Arduino Due). The Controller handles sensors, motors, and communicating with the Commander over a serial interface.

Underlying technologies

CartER uses the following underlying technologies.


  • poetry: Project and package management
  • stable_baselines3: pytorch-based standard implementations of common model-free reinforcement learning algorithms
  • tensorboard: For studying parameters and other output from the experiments
  • pettingzoo: Standardising the multi-agent environment


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